ALLCITY | a bookwork of Chicago Art Education stories

On December 14, 2024--in conjunction with Gallery 400’s germinal exhibition "Learning Together: Art Education and Community"-—Jorge Lucero and Paulina Camacho Valencia invited  all of Chicago’s teachers, artists, teaching artists, community engagers, museum practitioners, professors, stakeholders, policymakers, administrators, art therapists, students, caregivers, socially engaged artists, and all other intersections throughout to gather at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) to co-construct a bookwork of all of our Chicago art education stories—from start to finish—in just three hours (180 minutes). 
The idea was an ambitious attempt to quickly—-and with minimal demand on the participants—-produce something like a time capsule (in the form of a bookwork), that archives a pile of entangled personal narratives, memories, and dreams about art education(broadly defined)in Chicago (also broadly defined). This was done as one response to the curatorial proposals of the "Learning Together" exhibition, which in many ways are understandably limited since there is no way that an exhibition—-even a collection of a hundred exhibitions—-about Chicago’s art education could be wholly comprehensive. Even if it was possible, an attempt at bringing all of those histories, happenings, and humans together would be a cacophonous--albeit potentially glorious--mess!  
Well, that's what this book is. 
It's an invitation to produce the biggest, fullest, most glory-filled bookwork without too many gates of who can be "in" or "out".*

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If you are gathered at UIC on Saturday December 14, 2024, within the three hours (and following some of the minor coaching of Jorge and Paulina) contribute at your leisure to any or all of the prompts found below with as much or as little written input as you wish. Certain prompts contain additional suggested parameters about length or specificity, but like all things, those parameters are left for your interpretation. 

We loosely planned the day in this way:

12 to 1:30pm, WRITE.

1:30pm, HAVE A SMALL Group CHECK-IN (tips and reflections).

1:40 to 3pm WRITE MORE.


If you have received the link to this page and are not gathered with us during the Saturday that we met at UIC, please engage with the same exact prompts and directions as if you had attended, especially the parameter of the three-hour work session. Be strict about adhering to the time limitation.

Things to remember while working:

+ Submit as you go along. Don't fill out all the prompts at once. If there is an internet outage you could lose all your work. Instead, once you've written whatever you want in response to a prompt, submit it. Your name will be connected to everything you submit, so submit as many times as you need to so that your work is preserved.  
+ After the initial three hour writing session, our editorial team will collate the entire book, copyedit it and return it to everyone who participated for a final check that could allow for some minor edits. So don't freak out too much at this point about mistakes that might occur. Our hope is to catch as much of that as we can in the post-production stage. 

*Here we acknowledge that the three-hour co-constructing constraint and the parameter of having to physically gather at UIC on a given winter Saturday are "gates" in and of themselves, but these are gates that we accommodated for in every instance where their obstruction was pointed out.

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Please respond to any or all of the prompts below.

Submit any pertinent images here.

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First Image is a manipulated royalty free image from a search for the term “Chicago” on the website Unsplash. Second set of images are the four images we used to promote the collaborative writing event on social media, one week before it occurred. Last image is a screen print created by Jorge Lucero and William Estrada during a 2022 Art Educators Institute at UIC in anticipation of the “Learning Together” exhibition.

Username: gallery_507

Password: cun5defy