Your Stuff in our Show

Curated by Jorge Lucero and Jimmy Luu
At Figure One, November 4 to 26, 2011

Jorge Lucero and Jimmy Luu through Figure One, invited members of the Champaign-Urbana public to exhibit their things (or stuff) in its main gallery. Both personal objects and individual know-how was accommodated during this month-long show examining local "stuff". Not exactly an exhibition of artworks, Your Stuff in Our Show aimed to put participant's material culture and home knowledge(s) on view and make them accessible to the public. Examples of material culture can be--but are not limited to--collections, items of home decor, accumulated detritus, trinkets, utensils, posters, clothing items, toys, framed family pictures, furnishings, store-bought design, and other personal objects. Know-how can be articulated through instances of teaching, showing, guiding, sharing, demonstrating, orating, participatory activities, or collaboration, and can be contributed to the exhibition in the form of demonstrations or participatory activities that the general public was invited to attend.  (All pictures taken by Brent Hofacker, 2011).